Drive In-Office Adoption

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Ecenbarger Eye Care is a full-service office that utilizes the latest technology to provide patients with a more complete, accurate, and satisfying eye care experience. In addition to looking for changes in vision, Drs. Scott and Staci also look at the back of the eyes to confirm the retina and macula are healthy and don’t show signs of damage or disease. In order to see the entire retina, the pupil must be dilated. Previously, this was achieved by placing dilation drops in the eyes and then waiting 15-30 minutes for the eyes to dilate. Now, patients have options to personalize their care and choose the option that is best for them. However, few patients understand the advantages of diagnostics testing and lack the information to make an informed decision about their eye care experience.


To overcome this challenge, Innereactive worked with Ecenbarger Eye Care to review patient acceptance of diagnostics testing and determine the best strategy for improvement. At the onset of the program, less than 25 percent of patients were accepting the Premier Diagnostic Package as part of their eye care experience. To help Ecenbarger Eye Care reach its goal of 35 percent, Innereactive developed an intake form for the front desk to share with patients upon arrival, wrote supporting articles on the practice’s website blog, created complementary social media posts, and provided staff training to help the team understand the benefits and feel confident recommending the package to all patients. As a result, Ecenbarger Eye Care exceeded its goal by reaching 51 percent after only one month of full-program implementation. They continue to maintain this momentum to provide the most accurate and satisfying eye care experience.


  • Graphic Design
  • Website Blog
  • Social Media Posts
  • Staff Training
  • Professional Speakers (Samantha Toth, ABOC)
  • Reporting

“Not enough of our patients were taking advantage of our advanced diagnostic testing. We believed it was due to a lack of information but struggled to convey all the necessary facts in an efficient manner. Working with Innereactive, we developed a marketing campaign designed to help our team and patients understand the benefits of this testing. We were able to double our acceptance rate in very short order. The results were beyond what we expected!”

Dr. Scott Ecenbarger, Co-owner & Optometrist

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